Michael Herndon
Michael Herndon is a PhD candidate studying the intersection of racial prejudice and elections. His dissertation takes an existing puzzle in voting rights (racial discrepancies in ballot rejection) and uses a mixed-methods approach to measure the severity of the problem, identify its root causes, and test the effectiveness of various remedies for policy makers to consider. As a Senior Data and Research Fellow at the Latino Policy and Politics Institute (LPPI) and Voting Rights Project (VRP), Michael has conducted and co-authored nine policy reports using a variety of methods including experimental design, Bayesian analysis, and ecological inference. At the VRP, Michael specializes in statistical analysis that substantiates claims of racial discrimination in voting rights lawsuits. His research has been supported by the APSA Minority Fellowship, the Cota Robles Fellowship, UCLA’s Graduate Research Mentorship Program, and has received an honorable mention from the Ford Foundation.