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Juan Herrera

Issues Demography & Population Studies, Immigrant Rights

Assistant Professor of Geography, UCLA
UCLA College, Division of Social Sciences

Juan Herrera is a human geographer who specializes in social movements, spatial theory, race, and sexuality studies. His research includes analysis on Latino immigration and community formation, the impact of gay rights on transnational migration and Latino community understandings of sexuality, and how nonprofit organizations negotiate urban racial subjects’ relationship to state institutions and social movements. In addition, his teaching interests include urban geography, ethnographic research methods, and environmental racism.

He is currently working on a book manuscript entitled Care is Political: Social Movement Activism and the Production of Space which traces the historical transformation of grassroots 1960s organizing into institutionalized agencies. The book argues for an analysis of social movement geographies and their ongoing production. His work can be found in Du Bois Review, Social Justice, and Latino Studies. Trained as an interdisciplinary scholar, he completed his PhD in Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley in 2013 and was an Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies at Oregon State University.