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LPPI evaluates the issues impacting Latino households who experience or are at risk of experiencing homelessness and offers policy recommendations to alleviate the issues that exacerbate the Latino community’s share of Los Angeles County’s homeless population.
Read More | January 1, 2019
This report analyzes the 45th President’s public speeches and tweets from 2015 to 2017 to demonstrate their racist intent in an effort to prevent the President’s administration from rescinding DACA.
LPPI experts, Dr. Leisy Abrego and Dr. Cecilia Menjivar, authored an amicus brief in the consolidated DACA cases before the U.S. Supreme Court along with a dozen other prominent empirical scholars who study DACA and its effects. The brief draws upon amici’s original research to challenge the Trump Administration’s cancellation of DACA. This is a Writ of Certiorari…
LPPI focuses on Latino vote choice and increases in ballots cast in six U.S. states, as evidenced by changes in the number of ballots cast between the 2014 and 2018 midterm elections. In this report, LPPI seeks to better understand the electoral participation of Latino populations and their preferred candidates of choice in hotly contested…
Read More | November 1, 2018
North Dakota’s discriminatory voter ID law required voters to include their current residential street address in order to vote, which disenfranchised many Native Americans.
Read More | October 30, 2018
LPPI’s analysis of adult arrests by race and ethnicity in California between 2008 and 2017 reveals that while the number of total arrests have decreased over time, Latinos are the only racial or ethnic group to experience an increase in the share of arrests, in both misdemeanor or felony, during this time period.
Read More | October 8, 2018
LPPI examines the magnitude of California’s Latino physician shortage and based on current data and trends, researchers estimate that it will take five centuries for medical schools in California to fully address the Latino physician shortage and close the Latino physician gap.
Read More | October 1, 2018
Research from LPPI evaluates how well California’s physician workforce meets the linguistic needs of California’s limited English proficient (LEP) population and presents policy recommendations aimed at closing the language gap between California’s physicians and the patients they serve.
Read More | September 1, 2018
Research from LPPI examines voting patterns across different regions within Los Angeles County to assess where Latino vote growth was strongest. LPPI also evaluates the non-partisan voter mobilization campaign conducted by AltaMed, highlighting the success of AltaMed’s program to increase Latino vote growth in Los Angeles county.
LPPI’s updated evaluation of the Smithsonian Institution’s workforce for the ten year period of 2007-2016 finds significant underrepresentation for Latinos in the Smithsonian’s workforce.
LPPI evaluated the Smithsonian Institution’s progress in increasing Latina/o representation within its workforce and exhibitions. Findings reveal a severe lack of representation in executive leadership and lack of funding for Latino initiatives.
Anglo voters of Dallas Texas challenged the county’s 2011 redistricting plan in regards to electing county commissioners, claiming it is a violation of their rights.
Read More | August 23, 2018
Research from LPPI analyzes Orange County precincts and demonstrates that the June 2018 California primary saw a 500 percent increase in the number of Latino major-party candidates with Orange County’s Latino-majority precincts voting in overwhelming support for Democratic Latinos running for statewide offices.
Read More | June 8, 2018
LPPI’s preliminary analysis comparing ballots cast on June 5, 2018 and June 3, 2014 for California Governor indicate a substantial increase in party preference for Democratic candidates in some counties that were previously Republican-majority.
Read More | June 1, 2018
Comparing voter data between Ventura County’s June 2014 and 2018 primary elections, LPPI research highlights that Ventura’s June 2018 primary had both increased voter registration and higher turnout along with vote preference within Latino-majority districts trending towards Democratic and Latino candidates running for statewide offices.
LPPI compares the number of ballots cast between the June 2014 and June 2018 primaries, and the vote preference differences between Latino and non-Latino voters in Los Angeles County in the June 2018 election to highlight Latino voting trends. This analysis provides an important frame for understanding voting Latino preferences in the state as a…
Analysis from LPPI on the vote choice of Orange County precincts in California’s Congressional DIstricts 39 and 48 in the June 2018 primary reveals an increase in Latino voter turnout compared to the June 2014 primary election as well as pronounced support from Latino-majority communities for Democratic candidates, especially those who are Latino.
In this study on Oakland, California’s Fruitvale Village, LPPI evaluates how community-driven economic development and culturally responsive Transit Oriented Development (TOD) can impact the socioeconomic outcomes of residents, including Latino residents. LPPI’s research suggests how TOD, in combination with positive community-based intervention, can improve the economic state of residents without resulting in displacements of Latinos.
Read More | March 1, 2018
Through an analysis of US Latino labor force participation rates, household formation rates, median income, and other factors, researchers with contributions from LPPI find that the Latino homeownership rate has rebounded to within 3.5 percent of its pre-recession rate, a significantly faster recovery than the U.S. homeownership rate overall.
Read More | February 1, 2018
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