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Policy Briefing & Webinar Health

Effects of COVID-19 on California’s Vulnerable Communities

The UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute (UCLA LPPI) hosted a webinar to discuss the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on California’s most vulnerable communities.

featuring California State Controller Betty Yee, Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo, Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, and Dr. Carmen Rojas, incoming President and CEO of the Marguerite Casey Foundation, to reimagine how policy can save lives and expand opportunity.


The UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute (UCLA LPPI) hosted a webinar to discuss the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on California’s most vulnerable communities. UCLA LPPI engaged over 300 stakeholders for a conversation on the impacts of COVID-19 on California’s vulnerable communities. Elevating the voices of women of color who are on the frontlines of this pandemic, UCLA LPPI convened an expert panel featuring:

  • California State Controller Betty Yee
  • Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo
  • Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez
  • Dr. Carmen Rojas, President and CEO of the Marguerite Casey Foundation

Public health and economic data shows that the hardest hit communities by the crisis are communities of color, which are dying and losing their income at disproportionate rates. As elected officials across cities and states discuss a recovery effort, communities that have suffered the most need to be front and center. Elected officials, philanthropy, academia and every resident can be part of the solution.

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