Our staff is dedicated to ensuring equal voting rights for all Americans and making sure that accurate and data-driven research is available to policy makers, scholars, attorneys and courts to inform equitable voting policy.
Voting Rights Staff

Matt Barreto
Faculty Director, UCLA Voting Rights Project and Professor of Political Science, UCLA

Chad W. Dunn
Legal Director, UCLA Voting Rights Project

Sonni Waknin
Senior Staff Attorney, UCLA Voting Rights Project

Michael Rios
Senior Data Scientist, UCLA Voting Rights Project

Bernadette Reyes
Senior Staff Attorney, UCLA Voting Rights Project

Alysa Guzman
Legal Coordinator

Emma Kim
Data Science Fellow

Vivian Alejandre
Legal Fellow

Tye Rush
Senior Policy Fellow

Palmer Turnbull
Legal Fellow

Diego Casillas
Senior Fellow

Jessica Cobian
Senior Fellow

Angel Ordonez
Legal Fellow

Gabrielle Andrade
Student Researcher

Joselyn Martinez
Student Researcher

Kathryn Sorenson
Legal Fellow

Michael Herndon
Senior Fellow

Samuel Hall
Legal Fellow