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Symposium Civil Rights

Latinx Communities, Race, and the Criminal Justice System

The UCLA Law Review held a symposium with leading scholars and practitioners of criminal justice to provide unique perspectives on how Latinos fare in the criminal justice system.


On February 8, 2019, the UCLA Law Review hosted an important symposium on Latinx Communities, Race, and the Criminal Justice System at the UCLA School of Law. The symposium was the first to focus explicitly on Latinx Criminal Justice Reform and drew leading practitioners and scholars from across the U.S. to examine policing; pre-trial detention and bail; assistance of counsel; statewide ballot initiatives; and sentencing decisions, including capital sentencing decisions; and appeals. LPPI faculty were front and center; three faculty experts moderated panels and another three faculty were featured panelists. Across disciplines, and particularly in law, scholars have paid scant attention to the question of how bias against Latinos in the CJ system impacts processes and outcomes.