Tye Rush
Tye is a UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellow (PPFP) in the Department of Political Science at the University of California, San Diego. His research addresses questions in race and ethnic politics, voting rights, elections, and state politics. His current work focuses on the politics of voting laws. As a senior policy fellow at the Voting Rights Project, he has given expert testimony on redistricting maps in Portugal et al. v. Franklin County (2022) in Washington, Petteway et al. v. Galveston County (2023) in Texas, and Navajo Nation et al. v. San Juan County (2023) in New Mexico. He co-authored several policy reports with the Voting Rights Project, including Vote-By-Mail: Debunking the Myth of Voter Fraud in Mail Ballot and Implementing and Assessing Automatic Voter Registration: Lessons Learned and Policy Recommendations to Improve Voter Registration in the U.S., among others.