In this study on Oakland, California’s Fruitvale Village, LPPI evaluates how community-driven economic development and culturally responsive Transit Oriented Development (TOD) can impact the socioeconomic outcomes of residents, including Latino residents. LPPI’s research suggests how TOD, in combination with positive community-based intervention, can improve the economic state of residents without resulting in displacements of Latinos.

Policy Report
Housing & Homelessness
Should I Stay or Should I Go?: How Effective Transit-Oriented Development Can Lead to Positive Economic Growth Without Displacing Latinos
In this study on Oakland, California’s Fruitvale Village, LPPI evaluates how community-driven economic development and culturally responsive Transit Oriented Development (TOD) can impact the socioeconomic outcomes of residents, including Latino residents. LPPI’s research suggests how TOD, in combination with positive community-based intervention, can improve the economic state of residents without resulting in displacements of Latinos.