“In Washington, the idea is you’re poor because you don’t work. That’s not the issue with Latinos,” David Hayes-Bautista, a professor of medicine at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, said. “Latinos work. But they’re poor. The problem is, we don’t pay them,” he said.
Read More | September 28, 2020
“What appeals to Latino voters who are supporting Trump is the same thing that appeals to voters who support Trump,” said Sonja Diaz, a former policy counsel to Sen. Kamala Harris during the vice presidential candidate’s time as California attorney general. “We are gaining every day with Latino voters. It is pre-election, so there are a…
Latinos are projected to make up a quarter of the electorate in Arizona in November, according to the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute. And for the first time they are expected to be the largest ethnic or racial voting bloc.
“Our undocumented neighbors buy groceries, pay taxes and support local businesses in economic activity that generates $190 billion in government revenue nationwide,” explained Raul Hinojosa, the report’s lead author.
An earlier poll by Latino Decisions in six battleground states found that fewer than sixty per cent of respondents were definitely planning to vote in the general election. The firm’s co-founder, Matt Barreto said, “The high intensity of coronavirus in our community made it more difficult to have the election be a top-of-mind issue for us.
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