Chon Noriega, LPPI expert, emphasizes the lack of humanities research about the role of religion and spirituality in the Latino community’s history.
Read More | May 29, 2020
There is a need for humanities research related to the role of religion says LPPI expert Chon Noriega, as the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center launches a three-year project that will reflect the role of faith, spirituality and religion in Mexican American culture.
“Cinco de Mayo was made in the United States by Latinos who proudly carried the flags of the United States and Mexico to show their support for both the Union and its values and for the Mexican victory over the French, who sought to undermine those values,” says David Hayes-Bautista, LPPI expert.
LPPI expert Cecilia Menjívar calls for the need to replace “social distancing” with the more precise phrase, “physical distancing” in an effort to decreased the chances of doing unintentional harm.
LPPI Co-founder Matt Barreto and past LPPI fellow Tyler Reny wrote an article covering the impacts that racist rhetoric, specifically leaders’ anti-Asian and xenophobic rhetoric, amid the Coronavirus pandemic have had on Asian communities and the increase anxieties it has caused.
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