“Forty-five of the other states do this,” Chad Dunn argued. “At the end of day, this case is about a fair electoral system where nobody has to go through additional burdens in order to vote.”
Read More | September 8, 2020
In addition to Sorin, DRIVING WHILE BLACK includes interviews with African Americans sharing their personal stories, along with some of the country’s leading historians, authors and journalists, including: Eric Avila (Professor of History, UCLA).
“Texas is the outlier here, and our system is set up – it’s early enough to get this process done and the constitution requires it,” said Chad Dunn, general counsel for the Texas Democrats. The bottom line? As of right now, there won’t be any expansions to mail-in voting in Texas.
Sonja Diaz believes the Biden campaign is not paying enough attention to Latino voters. “This is at the expense of expanding the electorate because there are finite resources, and the party and the campaign need to decide what is the priority.”
Jason De Leon, a professor of anthropology at UCLA, explains that one of the metrics used by the authorities to measure deterrence is a rise in migrant deaths. As De Leon explains, the brutal claim by the authorities is that “people put themselves in harm’s way, they did it to themselves.” The latest total is…
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