Matt Barreto, co-founder of LD Insights and an adviser to the Biden campaign, said Biden would have done better with Florida’s Hispanic voters if the campaign understood how Biden’s Covid-19 and economic message wasn’t direct enough for many Latinos.
Read More | February 1, 2021
Education research professor Patricia Gandara said moving forward, it is possible to create a new test that allows students to prepare for college, but making this test would likely not be possible by the 2025 deadline.
KCRW discusses the newest UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute Report on the Latino vote in 2020. “A new study by the UCLA LPPI looked at counties with the most Latino voters in more than a dozen states, it found their votes made a crucial difference in states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin.”
LPPI Expert Chon Noriega received $120,000 in funding for a project titled “Science Fiction Against the Margins” as part of The UCLA Film & Television Archive, in collaboration with the cinema and media studies program.
“This new collaboration between Million Dollar Hoods and UCLA’s ethnic studies centers will preserve the documentary evidence of mass incarceration and its impact on people’s lives in Los Angeles while building a new digital bedrock for racial justice scholars and scholarship at UCLA,” said Kelly Lytle Hernández, director of the Bunche Center and a 2019…
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