Dr. David Hayes-Bautista, Director, Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture, School of Medicine, UCLA, Author of “La Nueva California: Latinos from Pioneers to Post-Millennials”, appears as a guest on Radio Bilingue to discuss Labor Day and the role of Latinos, many who are essential workers, amid COVID-19.
Read More | September 28, 2020
“Arizona is definitely one of our most flippable states because of the demographic change, the Latino population is growing so fast in Arizona, coming of age, mostly being driven by young, U.S. born, all citizens,” said Matt Barreto, co-founder of Latino Decisions and a pollster for Biden’s campaign.
Sonja Diaz, of the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute, said she is worried that the message might not be reaching Southern California’s fastest-growing populations — Asian Americans and Latinos — many of whom are first-time voters or who mostly vote during presidential elections.
“Now, the COVID-19 crisis has widened existing disparities in academic achievement that remain along sharp racial and class lines,” said Gary Segura, dean of UCLA’s Luskin School of Public Affairs, in presenting the report. and co-author of the report.
The report, a novel-length and heavily footnoted volume called “No Going Back,” is part academic treatise and part manifesto, painting a dark picture of racial and economic inequity and recommending a sweeping overhaul of the systems that it holds responsible. The report’s conclusions rest on research by Manuel Pastor, director of the USC Equity Research Institute,…
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