UCLA LPPI expert Cecilia Menjivar wrote an opinion piece on the importance of protecting TPS recipients. “De-documenting and deporting TPS holders would destroy families and go against the national interest. Thus, rather than green-lighting the end of TPS designation, this designation should be renewed and then TPS beneficiaries should be given the chance to apply…
Read More | October 19, 2020
Sonja Diaz joins KTLA as a political analyst to discuss the first Vice Presidential Debate. “Senator Harris was clear that the American public deserves the truth and factual information from the top.”
Kevin de Leon recalls his role in mobilizing the Latino vote during 1994 during an interview on KCET. “The 1994 political ad was a slap in the face. It was beyond an insult that Pete Wilson would do anything in his power to scapegoat and demonize innocent hardworking men and women who helped build this…
Sonja Diaz, Founding Director of UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute, appears in the new documentary “Latino Vote: Dispatches from the Battleground” as a political expert on the Latino Vote.
“Latino Vote: Dispatches from the Battleground” is a film that centers on the voices and perspectives of community organizers and activists who are working to get out the vote in Latino/x communities, even as they have pivoted to mutual aid efforts during the pandemic. UCLA LPPI Founding Director, Sonja Diaz, joined a virtual Town Hall…
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